











1. 我校氢能研究院全球高层次人才招聘岗位汇总














我校“百人计划” (东海实验室)研究员













1. 具有优秀的工程技术研究能力、工程技术研发组织协调能力和丰富的工程实践应用经验;具有促进学科交叉、提升研究院及相关学科原创能力及解决重大工程技术问题能力。

2. 研究工作体现中国特色,在“大、难、新”重大工程中做出公认的、具有原创性的工程技术创新成果,主持领导过国家重大工程或国家卡脖子关键技术工程项目,研发出有行业影响力的产品或取得业界认可的代表性成果,产生重大的经济、社会效益,在同行中具有较大影响力。

3. 申报人员近年曾担任国资委、世界500强企业主要技术负责人或相当级别人员,包括但不仅限于以下类别:世界500强企业的主要技术负责人;世界知名高科技公司的主要技术负责人;国家重大型号主要技术负责人;全国工程勘察设计大师;国家重大标志性基础设施的主要技术负责人;国家级奖项的主要获奖者(一等奖排名前3;二等奖排名第1)。

4. 重点研究方向:绿色制氢;氢储输;液氢存储;氢安全;氢电融合。

5. 年龄原则上不超过55周岁。


1. 聘期内由学校提供岗位特别津贴。

2. 提供具有竞争力的科研启动经费。

3. 大力支持团队建设,保证每年博士生招生名额,支持招收博士后。

4. 工作地点:我校玉泉校区;提供良好的办公环境和实验空间。



1. 从事高水平科学研究,开展原创性理论与实践问题研究或关键技术攻关,努力开创新的学科发展方向,提高研究院及相关学科的国内外学术影响力,成为国际上本领域活跃的学术成员。

2. 根据依托学院及学科要求,承担一定量的高质量教学工作。

3. 完成研究院及学科要求的其他工作。

4. 重点研究方向:绿色制氢;氢储输;液氢存储;氢安全;氢电融合。


1. 取得国内外高水平大学博士学位,具有国际高水平大学助理教授或副教授相当学术水平。

2. 具有良好的师德师风、严谨求实的学风、突出的学术发展潜力和合作精神,原则上能独立发展一个学术方向。

3. 全职来校工作,年龄一般在35周岁左右。


1. 根据候选人情况,提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇,具体面议。

2. 积极为通过长聘教职评审的“百人计划”研究员按相关政策参加住房申购创造条件。

3. 提供具有竞争力的科研启动经费。

4. 聘任为“百人计划”研究员,具有博士生招生资格,支持招收博士后。

5. 协助解决子女入学入托和配偶工作;协助办理落户、外国人永久居留证等。

6. 工作地点:我校玉泉校区;提供良好的办公环境和实验空间。



1. 从事氢能及相关学科领域科学研究,开展原创性理论与实践问题研究或关键技术攻关,努力开创新的学科发展方向,提高东海实验室及研究院的国内外学术影响力。

2. 完成东海实验室及研究院的其他工作。


1. 取得国内外高水平大学博士学位,具有国际高水平大学博士后工作经历,具有国际高水平大学助理教授或副教授相当学术水平者优先。

2. 科学研究或技术攻关取得突出业绩,为所从事研究领域的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术带头人的发展潜力,原则上能独立发展一个学术或技术方向。

3. 年龄一般在35周岁左右。


1. 由东海实验室提供具有竞争力的薪酬,年薪不低于55万元(税前),具体面议。

2. 可申请租住东海实验室公寓。

3. 由东海实验室给予一定科研启动经费支持,一般为300万元,其中100万元为个人自主立项经费,用于基本工作条件建设,200万元由团队按照工作任务和建设内容确定用途。

4. 实验室提供良好的办公环境和实验条件。

5. 工作地点:浙江舟山(东海实验室)。



1. 从事氢能及相关学科领域科学研究,开展原创性理论与实践问题研究或关键技术攻关,努力开创新的学科发展方向,提高研究院及学科的国内外学术影响力。

2. 完成研究院及相关学科要求的其他工作。


1. 获得国内外高水平院校博士学位,具有力学、机械工程、电气、化学工程、材料、自动化、新能源、化工过程机械等与氢能相关学科并具有较强的研究能力。

2. 工作勤奋、积极进取,有良好的中英文表达能力、沟通能力和协作能力。

3. 年龄一般不超过38 周岁。


1. 原则上实行年薪制,具体面议。

2. 聘用期间享受学校教职工基本福利待遇。在房源允许的情况下,聘任期间可申请租住学校教师公寓。

3. 聘期内对于特别优秀且符合学校专职研究系列专业技术高级职务资格任职条件的专职研究员,可申请评审高一级专业技术职务任职资格。

4. 专职研究员在聘期内获得入选国家级青年人才计划或获得国家级青年人才项目支持的,可申请转聘为学校“百人计划”研究员岗位。

5. 工作地点:我校玉泉校区;提供良好的办公环境。



1. 已获得(或即将获得)海内外知名大学力学、机械工程、电气、化学工程、材料、自动化、新能源、化工过程机械等相关学科的博士学位,已发表高质量论文,能独立开展研究和撰写中英文论文。

2. 具有力学、压力容器(气瓶)与管道、水电解制氢、氢电融合、氢安全、氢能储输、储氢材料、低温制冷、机械结构、复合材料、高分子材料等相关研究经验。

3. 有良好的中英文表达能力、沟通能力和协作能力。

4. 一般应为新近毕业的博士毕业生,年龄在35周岁以下。


1. 工作津贴及福利待遇按我校博士后相关规定执行,综合津贴不低于30万元(税前);对自愿选择在舟山东海实验室工作者,另增加不低于10万元/年的工作津贴。

2. 鼓励申请全国博士后管理委员会“博士后创新人才支持计划”,获得我校博士后特别资助项目者,另追加不低于10万元/年的工作津贴。

3. 人事关系进入学校后从事博士后研究工作2年及以上,在站期间业绩突出的,可申报我校高级专业技术职务任职资格。

4. 按学校有关规定,申请租住博士后公寓或学校其他公寓或申请学校租房补助,其他福利按照我校博士后管理的相关规定执行。


1. 校外博士毕业且人事关系转来我校的学科博士后,由学校或研究院提供科研启动费。

2. 支持依托研究院参加国际学术会议、短期学术交流和合作研究,以及申报各类基金项目。




1. 详细个人履历,鼓励提供中英文简历。

2. 未来研究计划。

3. 表明其工程技术研究能力、学科原创研究能力、解决重大工程技术问题能力等能力的成果及奖励清单。


1. 个人中英文简历(自本科开始至申请之日连续的学习、工作简历,发表的论文、著作目录,主要教学、科研成绩,承担的科研项目、专利及获奖情况,学术兼职等)。

2. 未来研究计划。

3. 至少3篇代表性论文PDF全文(近五年内发表),表明其学术水平和研究能力的成果及奖励清单,以及相关证明材料。


1. 详细个人履历,鼓励提供中英文简历(自本科开始至申请之日连续的学习、工作简历,发表的论文、著作目录,主要教学、科研成绩,承担的科研项目、专利及获奖情况,学术兼职等)。

2. 未来研究计划。

3. 表明其学术水平和研究能力的成果及奖励清单,以及相关证明材料(如代表性论著全文)。


1. 详细个人履历,鼓励提供中英文简历(自本科开始至申请之日连续的学习、工作简历,发表的论文、著作目录,主要教学、科研成绩,承担的科研项目、专利及获奖情况,学术兼职等)。

2. 未来研究计划。

3. 表明其研究能力和学术水平的代表性成果。



2. 两位本领域专家的推荐信(留学或外籍博士至少提供一封国外教授专家推荐信)(请见附件)。

3. 表明其研究能力和学术水平的成果及奖励清单(如:获奖、鉴定、专利证书、学术论文等),及佐证材料。

4. 博士学位论文。












Academic Job Opportunities at Zhejiang University Hydrogen Energy Institute

About Zhejiang University Hydrogen Energy Institute

Established on June 23rd, 2022, Zhejiang University Hydrogen Energy Institute (Hydrogen ZJU) is a new research unit at Zhejiang University, a prestigious comprehensive research university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Its mission is to promote interdisciplinary teaching and research innovation in the hydrogen energy field, and it prioritizes talents in the mission to fulfill its responsibility. The leadership of Hydrogen ZJU involves Professor Jinyang Zheng, a Chinese Academy of Engineering member and an active global scholar, as the dean. At the same time, Hydrogen ZJU hosts a variety of broadly recognized experts, like the Chinese Academy of Engineering member, the Cheung Kong Scholar and the Distinguished Young Scholar, and many active young scholars. They have played a pivotal role in contributing to global hydrogen storage, transport, and safety research and standardization.   

As the globe acknowledges the influence of climate change and the necessity of decarbonization, substituting fossil energy with clean energy, like hydrogen energy, becomes urgent. However, making hydrogen energy safe, affordable, and broadly used takes time and effort. Hydrogen ZJU appreciates open collaboration with innovative research units and global talents. So far, Hydrogen ZJU has established several top independent and joint research centers and laboratories, like the Hydrogen Energy Equipment and Safety Technology Engineering Center recognized by Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the ZJU-HANGYANG Liquid Hydrogen Equipment Technology Joint Lab led by Zhejiang University and HANGYANG, and the ZJU-CIMC & ENRIC Hydrogen Energy Technology Joint Research & Development Center led by Zhejiang University, CIMC, and ENRIC. Meanwhile, Hydrogen ZJU has been seeking to work with active global talents passionate about hydrogen-related research and technology innovation.

Full-Time Appointments Opening

Hydrogen ZJU adheres to the tradition of Zhejiang University--- “Seeking Truth and Pursuing Innovation” and values diversity. It has been committed to recruiting talent worldwide and sincerely invites domestic and international applications.

 At present, Hydrogen ZJU offers various teaching and research positions involving the “Qiushi” Engineer, the “ZJU100 Young Professor” (based on the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University), the “ZJU100 Young Professor” (working at the DongHai Laboratory), research fellow, and postdoctoral researcher. In general, applicants should work full-time at ZJU with passion for education, rigorous learning spirit, cooperative spirit, good health, and high recognition of Zhejiang University's culture and values. For specific job descriptions, please see below.


# 101 The “Qiushi” Engineer


Within Hydrogen ZJU, the “Qiushi” engineer will lead technology innovation, discipline construction, engineering organizing and practice, team organizing and development, talent cultivation, and other aspects per needs.



1. Qualified applicants should have excellent engineering technology research abilities and organization and coordination skills. They should also have demonstrated experience practicing engineering. They must have strong abilities to promote interdisciplinary development, enhance Hydrogen ZJU's and relevant disciplines' innovative capability, and resolve vital engineering technology issues.   

2. Qualified applicants should have conducted research in the context of China and produced broadly recognized and original achievements in vital, challenging, and new (da, nan, xin) projects. They should have led essential or critical national engineering projects, created influential products or achievements broadly recognized in the field, and brought economic and social benefits.   

3. Qualified candidates should have worked as the chief technology director or at a comparable position in the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council or the World Top 500 enterprises in recent years. An equivalent position can be the chief director of a national vital infrastructure project, the critical winner of a national award, or the chief designer of national engineering detection.

4. Candidates with expertise in green hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transport, liquid hydrogen storage, hydrogen safety, and hydrogen-electric coupling are preferred.



1. Particular compensation from the university.

2. Competitive start-up funding.

3. Vigorous support for the team building with a guaranteed number of doctoral students enrolled each year and the recruitment of postdoctoral fellows.

4. Excellent office environment and laboratory spaces on the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University.

# 102 The ZJU100 Young Professor 


1. Based on the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University, the ZJU100 Young Professor will conduct top-level studies, including original theoretical and empirical studies and critical technology innovation. They will also lead and develop new discipline orientations. At the same time, they will contribute to broadening Hydrogen ZJU's and disciplines' global academic impact. They will develop as an active member of the global academic community.

2. They will teach classes as needed.

3. They will complete other tasks per Hydrogen ZJU's and disciplines' needs.

4. Their research will focus on green hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transport, liquid hydrogen storage, hydrogen safety, and hydrogen-electric coupling.



1. Prior to the start of the appointment, qualified applicants must hold a doctoral degree from a world-renowned university. Hydrogen ZJU invites applications at ranks equivalent to Assistant Professor or Associate Professor at an internationally prominent university.

2. Qualified applicants must have outstanding research potential and teamwork spirit. They should also have demonstrated abilities to independently establish and develop a research orientation.  



1. Competitive salary.

2. Assistance in purchasing welfare apartments per Zhejiang University's policy.

3. Competitive start-up funding.

4. Qualification for doctoral student enrollment with support of the university and department/school; recruitment of postdoctoral fellows will be supported.

5. Assistance in school enrollment for children and jobs for spouses, household registration, permanent residence permits for foreigners, etc.

6. Excellent office environment and laboratory spaces on the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University.

# 201 The ZJU100 Young Professor 


1. Based on the DongHai Laboratory, successful candidates will conduct top-level research in hydrogen energy and related fields. They will work on original theoretical and empirical studies and critical technology innovation. They will also lead and develop new discipline orientations. At the same time, they will contribute to broadening the DongHai Laboratory's and Hydrogen ZJU's global academic impact.

2. They will complete other tasks per the DongHai Laboratorys and Hydrogen ZJUs needs.



1. Prior to the start of the appointment, qualified applicants must hold a doctoral degree and have postdoctoral research experience from a world-renowned university. The DongHai Laboratory invites applications at ranks equivalent to Assistant Professor or Associate Professor at an internationally prominent university.

2. Qualified applicants should be top-notch talents among their peers with the ability to independently establish and develop a research orientation and have the potential to become academic leaders in their respective fields.



1. Competitive annual salary no lower than 550,000 yuan (pre-tax).

2. Assistance in solving the housing problem with DongHai Laboratory apartments provided.

3. 3000,000 yuan as the start-up fund.

4. Excellent office environment and laboratory spaces at DongHai Laboratory in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province.

# 202 Research Fellow


1. Successful candidates will conduct top-level research in hydrogen energy and related fields. They will work on original theoretical and empirical studies and critical technology innovation. They will also commit to developing new discipline orientations. At the same time, they will contribute to enhancing the global academic impact of Hydrogen ZJU and its disciplines.

2. They will complete other tasks per Hydrogen ZJU's needs.



1. Prior to the start of the appointment, qualified applicants must hold a doctoral degree from a world-renowned university. Candidates with expertise in hydrogen-energy-related fields, like mechanics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, automation, new energy, and chemical machinery, are preferred.

2. They should be diligent and proactive. They must have demonstrated communication, coordination, and teamwork skills.



1. Competitive annual salary.

2. Essential faculty welfare. Assistance in renting faculty apartments.

3. Assistance in applying for the senior professional qualification/title.

4. Assistance in applying for the ZJU100 Young Professor after being selected as the young national talents or receiving national young talents funding.

5. Excellent office environment on the Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University.

# 301 Postdoctoral Researcher


1. Prior to the start of the appointment, qualified applicants must hold a doctoral degree from a world-renowned university. Candidates with a doctoral degree in mechanics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, automation, new energy, and chemical machinery are preferred. They must have substantive top-level publications. They should have demonstrated abilities to conduct research independently and write papers in Chinese or English.

2. Candidates with expertise in the following areas are preferred: Mechanics, pressure vessels and piping, water electrolyzer for hydrogen production, hydrogen-electric coupling, hydrogen safety, hydrogen storage and transport, hydrogen storage materials, cryogenic refrigeration, mechanical structure, composite materials, polymer materials, and relevant areas.

3. Qualified applicants should have good communication, coordination, and teamwork skills.

4. Qualified applicants should have graduated from a doctoral program in recent years.



1. Competitive compensation according to the Zhejiang University Postdoc discipline. Generally, the annual compensation will be no less than 300,000 yuan (pre-tax). Successful candidates choosing to work at DongHai Laboratory will obtain extra 100,000 yuan (pre-tax) each year.

2. Assistance in applying for the Postdoctoral Innovation Talents Support Plan. Successful candidates receiving Zhejiang University postdoctoral researcher funding will obtain 100,000 yuan (pre-tax).

3. Assistance in applying for the senior professional qualification/title after working in the institute for two years or longer and achieving outstanding accomplishments.

4. Apartments with preferential rents and other benefits per university policy.


Research Support Guaranteed

1. Competitive start-up funding.

2. Support for attending international academic conferences, participating in short-term intellectual exchange and collaboration research, and applying for internal and external funding.

How to Apply

Please compile all required application materials below into one PDF document and mail it to tding8@zju.edu.cn. Please add the email subject as “position-full name-research field.” Hydrogen ZJU promises to use all the application materials for recruitment only and guarantees equal opportunities in any appointment. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Ms. Ding via phone call at +86-0571-87951216 or email at tding8@zju.edu.cn.  

# 101 The “Qiushi” Engineer

1. CV

2. Research Plan

3. A list of accomplishments, honors, and awards to demonstrate the ability in engineering technology research, original research, and vital engineering technology issue solving.

# 102 The ZJU100 Young Professor

1. CV

2. Research Plan

3. At least three representative papers published in recent five years. A list of accomplishments, honors, and awards to demonstrate the applicant's academic level and research abilities, and relevant evidence.

# 201 The ZJU100 Young Professor

1. CV

2. Research Plan

3. A list of accomplishments, honors, and awards to demonstrate the applicant's academic level and research abilities. Relevant evidence is also needed.


# 202 Research Fellow

1. CV

2. Research Plan

3. Substantial accomplishments to demonstrate the applicants academic level and research abilities.

# 301 Postdoctoral Researcher

1. The application form (please see attached)

2. Two recommendation letters (please see attached) from experts in the field. Please note that foreign or Chinese applicants studying abroad should submit at least one letter from an international expert.

3. A list of accomplishments, honors, and awards to demonstrate the applicants academic level and research abilities. Relevant evidence is also needed.

4. Doctoral dissertation.

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